Thatch in Progress Gallery

Thatching in Progress – Gallery

Its time to start sharing some of the fabulous photos and pictures that we have depicting Thatching in Progress.

Some of the Thatching in Progress pictures are our own, others entries from our latest picture competition.  We know that a lot of people like to see the chocolate box thatched cottages, but we also love to see the creation happening!.

We are always happy to receive pictures, at any time to add to our galleries.

If you want to enter this competition the deadline date is Monday 2nd September 2024.  Send in up to 6 pictures, more details here.

The Gallery

Pictures on this gallery are displayed in a random order.  This gives everyone a chance for their photo to be at the top, or the middle or the bottom.

Click the first one to enlarge and scroll through..  Enjoy.

Thank you for all the fabulous entries so far.

To be in it to win it, email us your “Thatching in Progress” pictures (more details on the competition page) and we will add them to this gorgeous gallery.

Wonderful to see the thatching skills showcasing the different roof designs, versatility of thatching materials, and ridge patterns etc.  It is not just putting straw on a roof!

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