Almost all of a thatchers tools of the thatching trade are hand tools. Even the ladder could be classed as a tool rather than equipment.
The main tools are listed below with a short explanation of what they are used for:
A sack shutter tool used to twist stainless steel wires down to the screws for a tight fixing.
Used to do final brush down of new roof elevation coatwork.
Used to cut strings on bundles, some thatchers use to cut out ridging and trim thatch.
Set pin
Used to measure the depth of the materials going on the roof.
Flat headed paddle shapped tool used to dress up coatwork on combed wheat reed and water reed.
Stitching needle and gutter
Used when securing materials to batten with stitching method.
Wire twister
Used to twist the edges of the wire netting together when applying to the completed roof.
Spar hook
Used as a knife to cut bundles etc, and used to make liggers and spars, trimming and shortening them as part of the thatching process.