Roof voids in thatched properties are often tinder dry, dusty and with dirty old cobwebs on the thatch which is a potential fire risk. The chance of sparks in this environment is obviously to be reduced.
Our main advice for roof voids is therefore:
- No ‘hot work’ in roof voids. Plumbers in roof voids need to use push or compression fittings.
- Frozen pipes should only be thawed by using cloths soaked in hot water and not with a blow torch, hot air stripper or hairdryer.
- Do not allow smoking, or use a candle, lighter or match as emergency lights. Remember that the interior of a thatched roof is very dry, dusty and flammable.
- Lofts should be kept free of storage to allow ease of access in case of fire.
- Access hatches should be not less than 90 cm X 60 cm. Fire resisting covers are recommended.