Our Newsletter No 25 launched our Chocolate Box Thatch Picture Competition. Needless to say it requires a gallery for all the lovely entries. Entries close on 1st September 2022 but we are always happy to add pictures to our galleries at any time. We have also added some of our own pictures. Enjoy everyone.
Here’s the first entry received…
And then more entries…….
Up to 5 entries per person so email them to info@thatchadvicecentre.co.uk along with your name, address (and tel no in case you win!)
There is a gift voucher for the winner of this fun competition and we are loving being able to showcase some gorgeous thatched cottages. This gallery is added to as the entries come in and this will continue to be updated even after the competition ends if anyone who wants to share their cottages with us…… or maybe they will be entering the next competition…. to be announced (along with the winner) in our next Newsletter – Sept/Oct 22.