Thatch Advice Centre Newsletter No 26
Warm Welcome to all new subscribers and welcome back to our returning ones (over 6,000 now!).
The last 6 months has been hectic to say the least and we have been planning this Newsletter along the way! Little did we think there would be such a terrible situation in the Ukraine … More on this and potential impact on thatch later.
On a positive note, we have had a huge amount of enquiries, helped a lot of prospective and new thatched property owners, as well as those who have been living under thatch for years. Insurance, as ever, has been high on the agenda along with grants, quality of thatching works and more, so read on.
Thank you for your lovely entries to our Chocolate Box Thatch Picture Competition. Bluer skies and flowers in the gardens mean that we expect to see more wonderful thatch pictures from you all soon. Thanks also to all those who have sent in fabulous thatch pictures for us to use – really appreciated.
Big Thanks to Thatch Cover Insurance Brokers, the first Thatch Advice Centre Newsletter Sponsors.
Support in covering the cost of emailing you the Newsletter is truly appreciated. It means we can continue to keep it free for our subscribers. Huge appreciation to all those who have also offered sponsorship, it’s a huge weight off our shoulders for the future and we are planning the rota! Our time is still freely given in writing and sending it out and we have got loads of great content in this one!
In this Newsletter
Our Sponsors – Thatch Cover Insurance Specialists
Updates to Our Website (Articles and Pages)
New Associates on Our Thatch Directory
Chocolate Box Thatch Picture Competition
Maintenance of Thatch
Thatching Materials – Update
Guest Articles
Social Media Interesting Posts
Thatch Tale – The Cost of Conservation
Water Reed from the UK
Thank Yous
Our First Webinar – With West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service
Interesting Projects / Conversations
Looking for a Trusser
Do You Know What This Is?
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Thanks for Our Test it Tuesday Reminders
Article Contributions
Scottish Crannog Update
Thatchers Event – In the Netherlands
Thatch Fires and Statistics Update
Guarantees – Are They Worth The Paper They Are Written On?
Our Social Media
Thatched Windows
Thatched Roof Inspection Reports
Fire Retardant Spray for Thatch
Next Time……
Our Sponsors – Thatch Cover Insurance Specialists
Insure with Confidence
- Navigating thatched home insurance options can feel arduous.
- Our friendly consultants are experts in researching policies from an unparalleled panel of insurers, for maximum results.
- Enjoy the reassurance and added protection that using a specialist broker with extensive experience in this niche area provides.
- Comparing basics like sums insured, excesses, and price is straightforward. However, many key factors are much harder to assess. For example, claims handling, renewal pricing, policy conditions and the implications of non-compliance, which impact on the policy’s value.
Why not contact us for a chat, without obligation, and see what you could save.
Updates to Our Website (Articles and Pages)
“New Look” Articles section on our website has had great feedback – Many Thanks.
There are several more Articles on the website, since the last newsletter, along with some pages (which are also mentioned). See what’s been added and have a good read. There is some really useful material and up to date information available.
“Producing Straw for Thatching – A Farmers View“
Great information and pictures on an important part of thatching history and future!
Help from Neil Nicholson, Hebridean Thatching & Renovations, including some great pictures which show the different techniques used with this locally sourced material.
“Thatch Fire Causes Which are not Chimney Related”
Looking at thatch fires a bit differently is interesting, some are just one offs that cannot be predicted!
“The Difference between a Firebox and a Wood-burning Stove”
Great help on this from the Stove Industry Alliance
“Preparation and Operation of Solid Fuel Appliances in Thatched Properties”.
Thanks to Quantum Chimney Services for their expertise and Wessex Business Services Ltd for the cosy picture with the dogs!
“Maintenance of Solid Fuel Appliances in Thatched Properties”
More helpful input from Quantum Chimney Services with a follow up article
Our Galleries are still updated (even though the competitions are over).
We are still happily adding more super snaps (and those who want to be will always be credited). If a picture is used elsewhere e.g. for a Test it Tuesday you will be credited and tagged as relevant, so big thanks to everyone who has joined in and who is going to!
Pest Page. More information added as unfortunately, we’ve had loads of pest queries! More on this below.
New Associates on Our Thatch Directory
Big Welcome to all of our New Associates – Joining us on our Thatch Directory with more specialist assistance for your thatched properties.
A husband and wife team, covering East and Mid Devon. Great references received on this team and they are NACS members too.
They offer a great range of Thatched Home Policies.
Chimney Sweep in Suffolk, who also lives in a thatched cottage!
Joining us with a wealth of knowledge, the Stove Industry Alliance is a trade association whose mission is to promote and explain the benefits and environmental advantages of stoves as heating appliances.
Hayes Parsons Insurance Brokers
Independent Chartered Insurance Brokers with “solutions for unique and non-standard properties”
Huge thanks also to the continued support from all our Associates, e.g. with Thatch Directory listing renewals and articles etc.
Chocolate Box Thatch Picture Competition
We’ve had some great entries already and are planning a gorgeous Gallery of Chocolate Box Thatch pictures. Keep an eye on our website and social media. Entries need to be in by midnight on 1st September 2022. The judging will be done and the winner notified just before the next Newsletter.
Looking forward to receiving more yummy pictures from you all (up to 5 entries per person), as the weather improves and the ‘chocolate boxes’ emerge in their full glory! Competition details on the website.
Be in it, to win it folks! Tell your friends too, the more the merrier.
So many enquiries on grants for thatching works, especially with regard to Listed Thatch. If your property is a residential property we confirm that we do not know of any grants offered for such properties from the councils etc. It, understandably, seems to be a thing of the past.
Not only that but it also seems to be a postcode lottery for commercial thatched properties and grants as well.
There are ways to borrow money for roof repairs but that can often involve a charge being taken on the house rather than “free money”.
We did however notice that they have grants in Southern Ireland.
Maintenance of Thatch
Following on from the information on grants, it really is the discussions on maintenance. It is felt that the old ways of repairing worn sections of thatch to help prolong the life of a roof seem to be a direction that many homeowners are looking to take, due to rising costs and other financial burdens. It may not be the most cost effective over time but can reduce the need for a larger outlay.
We appreciate that the thatching material prices have risen considerably during the last few years so we are expecting to see more patches of repairs to appear than previously. So long as your roof is water tight, its aesthetics may have to be a secondary consideration to functionality.
Some homeowners are even thinking about giving it a go themselves! – Not what we would recommend for longevity, but not impossible?……
Thatching Materials – Update
Thatching Straw – Combed Wheat and Longstraw
Bad straw harvests, large growers giving up etc. have had an effect on straw availability and therefore the costs (supply and demand). Straw is no longer a by-product of grain production and the old tall varieties suitable for use on roofs are now especially grown and produced. This niche market is now a very important part of maintaining our thatched buildings, many of which are listed and require repairs “like for like”.
Historic England are looking at the challenges and barriers to the production of traditional thatching material…. Here’s what they told us last week.
“Widespread concerns about shortages of thatching straw in the autumn of 2020 prompted Historic England to undertake rapid research into the availability of the material by questioning straw growers and producers about the impact on their production that year. That exercise revealed a concerning situation which captured the supply issue at a moment in time after a particularly poor harvest, which fortunately was not repeated in 2021. The Traditional Thatch project is now following up that research with a more in-depth investigation of the factors affecting sources of thatching material in this country, in order to understand the longer-term trends in its availability and potential ongoing challenges to the thatch supply chain that might affect the future of thatching in England. Consultation on this research, and ideas for measures to improve the situation, will shortly be undertaken with relevant organisations within the thatching and agricultural sectors”
We are pleased to be on the consultation list.
Our work with the National Thatching Straw Growers Association also did not go unnoticed! We jointly strived to drum up support from those who know how to use and maintain the old specialist machinery for Combed Wheat and Longstraw production to work with the growers. Importantly, we have had some response already. Naturally, we will keep you informed.
Water Reed
Water Reed supplies were affected during Covid – often due to container shortages or labour issues in producing countries. There is now concern about the Water Reed supplies which come from the Danube Delta and Ukraine etc. All of these supply issues are impacting on the availability and therefore the price.
It is therefore tricky for thatchers pricing current work, let alone work for 6 months or longer into the future.
Many thatchers lack the knowledge, skills, facilities or contacts to produce their own thatching materials, They often rely on the thatching material dealers, who are now working hard to source appropriate and enough materials. Working together is definitely important at this time.
We have planned more information on UK Straw and Water Reed for our website so keep an eye on our social media. Don’t worry if you don’t do social media, because important points, like this, are always mentioned in our next Newsletter as well.
Increasingly, the quality and quantity of thatching materials produced in the UK should, in our opinion, be addressed. All avenues, ideas or assistance in these matters need to be explored. Maintenance of thatched properties should not be just based on financial reasons (although relevant) but also for historic and preservation ones, and so should be prioritised.
The Thatch Advice Centre has been working on a few things to try and help alleviate the situation on both straw and water reed supplies but time and finances are not on our side. That being said we are a brilliant central contact and enabler so keep in touch with any ideas etc, or funding!
Striving for change has worked in the past (Fire Safety) and we are happy to do so on all these important thatch related issues.
Guest Articles
From the Stove Industry Alliance
We always welcome assistance with and ideas for articles. Obviously, we don’t know everything but we do have a wonderful, expanding network of fabulously knowledgeable friends and associates who can help.
Always happy to work with others to give out the best information we can to assist those with thatch queries, like our recent articles with help from Quantum Chimney Services and the Stove industry Alliance.
Social Media Interesting Posts
So many interesting and informative things for us to be social with e.g.
- What we are doing
- Sharing of Others’ Useful Posts
- Monday Motivation, Mood, Madness…
- Proud Moments
- Flashback Fridays, Friday Feelings…
- Thatch Thursdays
- Wednesday Wonders, Wednesday Welcomes…
- Don’t forget our Terrific Test it Tuesdays (which often reach thousands of people (over 10K) and with your help can reach even more!!
#workingtogether is important when we are being social)
So why notJoin us on Social Media?
(PLEASE – Follow, Share, Love, Like and, of course, Comment. It all helps with our post’s organic reach and sharing useful thatched information around.
Some of our posts included –
Thatch and Gardens picture competition Winner and lovely Gallery
For those interested in Churches and Thatch we shared a great ‘photo essay’ book “Refurbishment of the Church of the Holy Cross, Caston, Norfolk” By Alan Porter.
Our Associates Valiant Accessories special 20% discount offer for our Thatch Community. The code THATCH (for non-trade customers only)
Fire safety reminder (coupled with our Fire Service friends) Read our Thatch Fire Safety Leaflet so you can stay safe and enjoy Bonfire Night
We also shared our happiness at receiving a great letter, as thatched property owners, (with the up to date advice!) from our local fire service, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service #workingtogether.
So pleased that Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue reminded thatched property owners about Chimney safety and checking for damaged or defective brickwork/mortar in an article in the Dorset Echo. Very pleased we got a mention too. More #workingtogether.
What a great Christmas Card we received!
Too many pest enquiries – if you see this in your thatched roof, get the pest controllers out ASAP. Please read up on thatch pests to avoid these situations
Wednesday Warning – If you feed animals and birds outside be aware of what else you are attracting. You don’t want these in your roof! per above!!
Lovely Grade I listed Church – burnt out. We shared the Daily Mail article which said “been welding when a fragment flicked onto the straw and caused the flames”.
No words!! – Except that we wish they had read our Thatch Fire Safety leaflet.
Reminder about our helpful article with information for purchasers and vendors about buying thatch
We welcomed our new rescued hens “The Storm Girls” to Thatch HQ.
Corrie, Eunice and Gladys.
Great article on Wonderful Norfolk Broads Thatched Residential Study Centre makeover. How Hill Trust
Fascinating piece from E.Souza, Editor of Materials at ArchDaily on
“Thatched Roofs History, Performance and Possibilities in Architecture”
Thatch Tale – The Cost of Conservation
If you make an enquiry to the local Council Conservation Department or Listed Building Department, it appears that often there is a cost, variable across the country. Seems like the good old Post Code Lottery again!
As we have had a lot of questions on this recently, the free information on the Historic England website may well be useful.
Historic England also suggested to us that:
“If, however, a home owner wants some general advice about maintaining their roof, and is unable to speak to their local conservation officer, it is worth them contacting the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, which provides a technical advice phone line for owners of historic buildings”
Water Reed from the UK
Plenty of enquiries regarding harvesting Water Reed in the UK.
- Perhaps it is time for all those areas which used to be harvested for thatching material to go back into production?
- Working out a solution with Natural England etc. could perhaps be a priority?
Please get in touch if you have areas for cutting, harvesting machinery to sell or hire out, or harvesting skills – we are happy to continue to be a central point of communication, and advice, which is what we seem to be at the moment!
Thank Yous
Positive Feedback from our Thatch Community – more of your great gratitudes (which are so appreciated and help keep us motivated) were added to our Thank You for the Thanks page.
A suggestion was made by a grateful visitor, that we should put a donate button on the website so that those who want to can give a little money as thanks. It would really, really help us as the administration is quite a feat and so this idea is under consideration. Please let us know what you think of this idea?.. or, do you have any other ideas? We want to keep the service free.
Our First Webinar – With West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service
We were approached by West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service and asked if we would do a presentation to them. Our first webinar!!
It was a lot of work, quite a learning curve (especially with our rural broadband challenges!) but also a very worthwhile and enjoyable exercise. Not sure that a webinar is as fun as being ‘there in person’ but it allowed for some interesting and relevant conversations afterwards as well. Excellent working together.
Has also triggered a few ideas!!
Our Thatch Fire Safety leaflet has been downloaded and used by many, many people including Fire Services – the more thatched property owners who read it and take heed of ways to reduce the fire risk the better!
Interesting Projects / Conversations
It is amazing what a great range of enquiries and conversations we have about thatch!
- Conversion of Barn to residential
- Loft conversions
- Resiting oil boiler
- Requests for help finding old straw seed for growing
- Thatched property claims
- Quest for a floatation harvester for water reed in Canada!
- Advice on reed harvester when looking to build a willow harvester
- Authentic material for scale model of thatch
- Putting farmers who grow thatching straw in touch with thatchers in their area for harvesting help
- Synthetic thatch for a listed property rather than real! Not our thing…
- Heat pumps and thatch
- Electrical situations
- Woodburner installations
- Insurance situations
- Helping a museum with information on how thatching stitching needles work
We did get a bit concerned with a call asking for help to remove the thatch and replace with tiles – our suggestion – “maybe sell to someone who wants a thatched property and buy one with tiles”
The fuel costs means that we have also had a lot of conversations regarding alternative heating to oil and gas. Solid fuel burning, solar and wind turbines have all been on the agenda along with associated building regulation and insurance implications.
Looking for a Trusser
We have been contacted by a farmer who is very experienced in growing thatching straw but is wanting to locate a trusser for this year.
In his words “borrow, buy, beg, steal or hire”.
Please get in touch if you can help – we can put you in contact with each other.
Do You Know What This Is?
We have been asked if we can help identify this tool!
The best idea so far is that it is for raking through reed to clean it but it is not a definite answer. Over to you, our lovely subscribers, as a wider audience.
Click here to see more pictures of this interesting object.
If you know what this is and what it is used for, thatching related or not? Please get in touch by email.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Sadly we have been asked to assist too many homeowners with problems with thatchers. We appreciate that there are always two sides to every story but some of the tales we have heard show that people should not rely on a pretty website or unsubstantiated claims. Thatching being an unregulated craft has its drawbacks. Paid membership groups have their place but homeowners need to understand that often the worst which happens is that a naughty member is thrown out of their club. They continue to thatch. The majority of thatchers are not members of anything so as such are also self-regulating anyway.
Read our helpful article, do your research when you choose a thatcher, and make an informed choice. Covid seems to have brought out the best and the worst in some people which is not an area we want to dwell on.
Thatchers also need to be aware that some customers have also been problematic. Please everyone get things in writing properly and do your research from both sides. These situations should not arise and we are happy to work with everyone in resolving things.
Let’s hope this year is an improvement on last in many respects, as we prefer to be dealing with positivity.
Thanks For Our Test it Tuesday Reminders
Our social media Test it Tuesday reminders resulted in a super appreicative phone call to Thatch HQ. Our reminders meant that the caller’s working alarm alerted them, and they were then able to deal with a situation promptly. The feedback was not expected, but so appreciated.
Please join us and, remember, a love /comment or even a share goes a long way in improving the reach to others, reminding them that the only good Smoke or CO alarm is a working one!
These reminders are not solely for thatch and many of our Fire Service friends are on board too. #stillworkingtogether.
You can help us – and yourselves or your business – by sending in pictures which we can use. A picture of you, your friends/family/employees etc (wearing branded clothing if you have it) testing an alarm. Or send us a great thatch picture to use for the same. The picture will be credited to you – free promotion as a way of thanking you.
Great engagement (over a period of time) with a homeowner on the problems he has had with damage to his roof. Progress has been made in dealing with his situation. Rather than summarise in this Newsletter, we have decided that an article may be the best way forward – so watch this space or our social media for notification when this new article is on our website!
Article Contributions
We are proud to have so many useful articles on our website to help with myriad thatch topics.
Contributions from our Thatch Community are hugely welcomed in widening our knowledge base, promoting your expertise and assisting our visitors.
If you have any ideas for an informative article, please email us and don’t forget to include a contact number so we can discuss!
We assist loads of people with their enquiries on insurance, both with meeting insurance requirements and in getting appropriate cover. Lots of queries e.g. on chimney height, woodburners, terraces, holiday lets and listed thatch.
A recent interesting enquiry was for a person having trouble getting insurance on a property with a slate roof over old thatch!
Please see our fabulous list of specialist Thatch Insurers on our Thatch Directory
Scottish Crannog Update
The Crannog Centre is open again and donations for the rebuild of the Crannog are almost 60%.
Well done everyone concerned.
Thatchers Event – April 8th in the Netherlands
We have attended this event in the past and plan to give you some feedback on this year’s edition.
Picking up where we left off, still on track and have a great list of members of the apprenticeship team as well as those who have expressed an interest.
The latter, you are not forgotten! When the time is right we will be in touch, whether for being a trainer, assessor or if you have other skills to offer or apprentices. If anyone else is interested in joining in at this initial stage (no pressure) please just email us you name and contact details, all welcome.
Thatch Fires and Statistics Update
We continue to help identify actual fires involving thatched roofs, so please let us know of any thatched roof fires, which we forward to Historic England. The address of the property is also very pertinent as identifying the listed status of any properties involved is also part of the process.
The thatch fire numbers collected in 2021 were collated by Historic England and confirmed to us as 51 (both listed and non listed properties involved).
Please keep spreading the Thatch Fire Safety message folks. Let’s keep these numbers reducing.
If you have not done so, read our Thatch Fire Safety leaflet. Please share it with anyone it will benefit. It is so important to understand and reduce the risks on each individual property.
Guarantees – Are They Worth The Paper They Are Written On?
We have been notified recently about guarantees being given out on thatching works. Please note: If they are not on headed paper or underwritten, then it appears that they may not be worth the paper they are written on.
What if the thatcher changes their company name, goes bust or dies?
Underwritten warranties have a cost implication but apparently are better. Please make sure you understand what you get, if that is what you are after.
Our Social Media
We are pleased to see our well established hashtag #thatchadvice being used by others. Extending our reach (with no money on promoting) is how we roll, so please if you use this hashtag, why not tag us in it as well?
This will help you and further benefit everyone’s followers. Social should be social!
Also if you are doing anything in relation to thatch – not salesy – but good stuff about thatch, thatching, thatched roofs, thatching materials etc. then please tag us. We are happy to share and hope you can too. If you haven’t noticed by now #workingtogether is another of our mantras!
Our social media strategy is one of engagement with other like-minded organisations and individuals, as well as informing and educating people on “thatch related” topics.
Social media is a learning curve for us as well. We also have to decide where we are best placed to spend our time for maximum benefit.
Thatched Windows
We love the variety of different thatched windows and have been sharing some interesting pictures on social media. A gallery will probably be the offing.
“Wonderful Window” photos (for which, if you wish, you will be credited at all times) will always be welcomed. These can be used to further showcase the choice, different looks and character that windows can give a thatched property.
Thatched Roof Inspection Reports
Our Associates have been busy with full detailed thatched roof inspection reports which include pictures of properties and recommendations etc. The buoyant property market and insurance requirements seem to be the main drivers for this important service from our experienced Associates.
Contact us if you are looking for a thatched roof inspection.
Fire Retardant Spray for Thatch
The recent good dry weather means that our Associates who apply the proven, tested and widely recognised Magma Firestop Fire Retardant Spray have started spraying early this year. This product is used throughout Europe and must be sprayed on by Approved Applicators in order for a Treatment Certificates to be supplied.
These Certificates are often required by insurance companies who give reduced premiums for treated roofs, due to the reduction in fire risk. More #workingtogether with our Associates.
Next time
The next Newsletter is a permanent work in progress. However, we have a few ideas for the next one already and we will, of course, be updating you with anything else which crops up over the next 6 months which is relevant.
Updates to Website (Articles and Pages)
Material Supplies
Winner of Chocolate Box Thatch Picture Competition
New Competition
Relevant Updates from our previous Newsletters
Thatch and Architecture
And more……..
The content of the Thatch Advice Centre email is circulated to its subscribers and is copyright. These contents may only be reproduced with the permission of the Thatch Advice Centre.
· Architects
· Builders
· Building Surveyors
· Chimney & Flue Specialists
· Chimney Sweeps
· Electrical Engineers
· Fire Safety Products & Supplies
· Garden Buildings
· Health and Safety
· Insurance
· Leadworkers
· Master Thatchers
· Organisations/Publications
· Preservation & Pest Control
· Quantity Surveyors
· Reed & Straw Dealers
· Scaffolding
· Security
· Solicitors
· Solid Fuel & Heating Supplies
· Specialist Builders
· Specialist Building Materials
· Structural Surveyors
· Thatched Hospitality
· Thatching Supplies
· Timber Framed Builders
· Tools & Equipment Hire
· Tree Surgeons
Ask your friends to sign up to the Thatch Advice Centre Newsletter via the Website.
Like Us on Facebook (for interesting thatch news from around the world).
Join us on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest too!