Thatch Thursdays | January 2017

Thatch and Recycling

New Year Resolutions can vary but we think recycling more is an excellent idea.

Recycling old straw as animal bedding is good, but what about recycling the old wire netting like this thatcher was doing – always handy for the garden!

Interesting Thatch

Burns Cottage

With Burs Night later this month. what better than to mention the lovely Burns Cottage – The birthplace of Robert Burns in Alloway Ayrshire. Which is an open air museum focusing on the poet’s life and the countryside which inspired him.

Ask an Expert


How do you know when Thatching Straw is ready to harvest?

(Answer next week, but feel free to comment your answer on our Facebook)

An Expert Says


The thatching straw is harvested when the corn is not completely ripe so it is strong and flexible i.e. a rope can be made from it.

It is ready when the stems of the corn are still green eg there are two green stripes running up the stalk.  If the whole straw is yellow it has ripened too far for good thatching material.

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