Thatch Finial Fun Gallery

Gallery of Wonderful Pictures of Thatch Finials

A Thatch Finial – an ornament on top of the ridge, usually fashioned from straw – is appreciated by everyone.  Often thought to be the mark of the thatcher, they tend nowadays to be a case of “what the customer wants”.

What the customer wants can vary as you can see from the great selection of finials we have below.  Some are entries in our Thatch Finial Fun competition (closes Midnight 1st September 2020) and others just some of the variety of thatch finial pictures we have in our collection.

If you want to enter the competition or just add a picture of your finial to this gallery, just email it through – happy to credit it to you too.

Enjoy our page everyone – the only limitation seems to be imagination!

Happy to add your pictures to this Gallery.  Just email them through to us with details of the name to be credited.