We love working together with other organisations for the good of thatch. The chimney sweeps are no exception. Very pleased to be invited to contribute to their August Sweep Stuff magazine.
The benefits of the work chimney sweeps do in improving thatch fire safety is immeasurable. We know it is important for many reasons, including the fact that insurance companies want proof that working chimneys are checked and maintained.
Great to say hello to those who know us and introduce ourselves and what we do to those sweeps who don’t. Working together is our motto. We mentioned several things which we felt were relevant to chimney sweeps understanding of thatched properties along with recent developments.
The subtitles in our article covered:
- Thatch, Chimneys and Working Together
- Burning Solid Fuel in Thatched Properties
- Thatch Fire Statistics
- The Up-To-Date Information
- Have a look on our website
- How you can help (the sweeps)
The final section
Join Us – Use this Inflation Busting Offer
Here we offered our Chimney Sweeping friends a fantastic promotional code to use when joining us on our Thatch Directory of specialists. References always required.
The Sweep Stuff August 2023 Magazine is full of great information for sweeps and associated trades. We thank them for the opportunity to work with them in promoting thatch fire safety.