What is the Historic Buildings Parks and Gardens Event?
The Historic Buildings, Parks and Gardens Event, is a one day event which has been running for over 30 years. It is being held at The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster London SW1P 3EE on Tuesday 14 November 2017 9.00am – 5.00pm and in parallel with the Historic Houses Association’s Annual General Meeting.
The Event creates ‘a unique and unrivalled promotional opportunity for companies offering products and services involved in the care, repair and conservation of historic buildings, and their surrounding landscapes’.
Who attends this event?
Visitors to the Event are owners and guardians of historic buildings (private, commercial, industrial, Grade I listed buildings, cathedrals, churches, manor houses, windmills, historic town centres), parks and gardens – their management staff, their advisers and a range of professionals. (Over 1,200 visitors attend the Event every year.) The Event is not open to the general public. Attendance is free to all visitors as defined above.
In addition to HHA Members and Friends the event is very pleased to welcome a wide range of visitors interested in historic building conservation, including many members of the SPAB, IHBC, RIBA, RICS, ICS, Professional Gardeners’ Guild, Victorian Society, Georgian Group and many other conservation groups, societies, associations and professional bodies, such as English Heritage and the National Trust.
Who are the speakers at this year’s event?
The speakers at this year’s event are:-
HHA Guest Speaker
Dr Loyd Grossman CBE FSA, Chairman of The Heritage Alliance
HHA/Savills Lecture
Jonathan Ruffer Chairman of Auckland Castle Trust, Eleven Arches and Ruffer LLP
Julie Kenny CBE DL Chair of Wentworth Woodhouse Preservation Trust
Update on the event
Sadly we were unable to accept our pre-registration offer to attend this year, but we plan to update you afterwards when we receive the promised report from the organisers on the event. If any of our friends and subscribers would also like to contribute, we look forward to hearing from you.