Butser Ancient Farm has launched a new on-line platform, Butser Plus, where supporters can sign in and get exclusive content and videos. By joining your donations will be helping to safeguard the farm’s future.
Not only that, they have completed their work on the Horton House Project, a reconstruction of a Neolithic building unearthed by Wessex Archaelogy in Berkshire in 2012. And it is thatched!
Tickets are now available to visit Butser but this new website will allow even more people, globally, to enjoy its archaelogy, ancient skills and wonderfully tranquil rural location.
Butser Plus Website
This amazing new website, created by utilising the crowdfunding money, allows a wider audience of supporters to see more about this wonderful place. The on-line platform will show exclusive and behind the scenes content and enable people to stay connected with all the projects and developments at this unique site.
Horton House Project and more
The work in reconstructing Horton House, using ancient techniques and tools is to be showcased on Butser Plus in the coming months. This will be alongside other projects eg thatching of Saxon house, building the Bronze Age roundhouse and more !
It was fabulous to be invited to share this important progress and Butser Plus with you all, which is hoped to help secure the long term future of the Farm.
We wish them all the best for this new venture and are sure it will be a great success.